GreenerRoadshows™ by Mediatree

On a mission to decarbonise Investor Relations activities

The challenge

Investor Relations activities are extremely carbon intensive and are often overlooked in companies’ ESG strategies.

Since international travel became time-efficient enough to justify roadshows, management teams from private and public companies have been travelling to financial hubs worldwide with jam-packed schedules to maximise facetime with asset managers. All with the primary objective of securing new or continued investment. In addition, investors also travel to Capital Markets Days, Investor Days, Site Visits, and many other events organised by Investor Relations teams to showcase their product or service.

Based on impact studies, it has become clear that these activities are extremely carbon-intensive and have significant environmental cost implications. With the continued focus on Environmental, Social, and Corporate Governance (ESG), investors now expect companies to have a holistic ESG strategy that encompasses all levels of the organisation, and this needs to start from the very top. Management teams need to set an example by, at a minimum, ensuring that their annual investor-facing activities are carbon neutral. Once that is established as the foundation, we believe Investor Relations teams should pursue mitigation, and decarbonisation, and strive for Net Zero.

How do we solve it

By analysing, mitigating, calculating, offsetting, certifying and communicating Carbon Emissions for IR practitioners.

Define the objectives, estimate the footprint of the project, establish key mitigation areas and begin to explore offsetting options that tie in with Sustainable Development Goals


Lower the carbon footprint of the Investor Relations activity through a bespoke action plan without compromising the objective of the event or roadshow Cicadas have pleasant chirping sounds, which are common in summer and symbolize passion.


The calculation will consider all aspects of the project and we will end up with the total amount of CO2e generated that relates to the event or roadshow


The final figure will be offset via Gold Standard-approved or other Science Based and certified projects at the EU ETS market rate on the final day of the project


The calculation and the offset will be audited and verified by a 3rd party before the event is officially certified as carbon neutral


Our team then helps the company communicate the certification both internally and to the wider stakeholders to ensure maximum exposure and momentum generated in the Industry and beyond.

Who do we solve it for

A client base that is growing rapidly as carbon-neutral Investor Relations becomes the standard, as opposed to the exception.

It started with a group of trailblazers in 2017 who pioneered the first version of the service, which has now gathered significant momentum with a well-established client base that we are continuously expanding. These clients understand that ESG is vital to any forward-thinking strategy and that it safeguards both the environment and their business interests. 

ESG responsible Investor Relations activities are now commonplace in the criteria and models of some of the largest institutional investors and third-party advisors.

A selection of these clients can be found below. For the complete list please click here.

Selected Client Testimonials

“GreenerRoadshows is a great idea that Mediatree first had while on the road with the Enel Group team. Now this feature is available to every Investor Relations team: this is another example of Open Innovation!”

Francesco Starace
Former CEO @ Enel Group

“We wanted to lead by example in the Orange Investor Relations team by ensuring our roadshows are carbon-neutral. GreenerRoadshows has managed this process for us since 2018 and I highly recommend their efficient, end-to-end carbon management service for your Investor Relations activities.”

Patrice Lambert- de Diesbach
Head of Investor Relations and Executive Vice President @ Orange

Get in touch

Need help decarbonising your Investor Relations activities?
Please fill out the form below and we will then get in touch to arrange a call to find out how we can support you.

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